Verizon Wireless Amdo Telecom Inc

Electronics Store NEW YORK NY

Verizon Wireless is a registered Business operating as a Electronics Store in NEW YORK. DCA License Number 2051867-DCA is currently Inactive (expiry date 12/31/2018).

Telephone: 9176393444.



Verizon Wireless Data

Dca License Number 2051867-DCA
License Type Business
License Expiration Date 12/31/2018
License Status Inactive
License Creation Date 04/25/2017
Industry Electronics Store
Business Name Amdo Telecom Inc
Business Name 2 Verizon Wireless
Address Building 277
Address Street Name CANAL ST
Secondary Address Street Name
Address City NEW YORK
Address State NY
Address Zip 10013
Contact Phone Number 9176393444
Address Borough Manhattan
Borough Code 1
Community Board 102
Council District 01
Bin 1002678
Bbl 1002090001
Nta MN24
Census Tract 45
Longitude -74.00150792988558
Latitude 40.719141075849485
Location (40.719141075849485, -74.00150792988558)

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(default) 3 queries took 5 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Record`.`id`, `Record`.`DCA_License_Number`, `License Type`, `License Expiration Date`, `License Status`, `License Creation Date`, `Record`.`Industry`, `Record`.`Business_Name`, `Record`.`Business_Name_2`, `Address Building`, `Address Street Name`, `Secondary Address Street Name`, `Record`.`Address_City`, `Address State`, `Address ZIP`, `Contact Phone Number`, `Address Borough`, `Borough Code`, `Community Board`, `Council District`, `Record`.`BIN`, `Record`.`BBL`, `Record`.`NTA`, `Census Tract`, `Record`.`Detail`, `Record`.`Longitude`, `Record`.`Latitude`, `Record`.`Location`, `Record`.`description` FROM `nyc_business`.`records` AS `Record` WHERE `Record`.`DCA_License_Number` = '2051867-DCA' LIMIT 1112
2SELECT `Record`.`id`, `Record`.`DCA_License_Number`, `License Type`, `License Expiration Date`, `License Status`, `License Creation Date`, `Record`.`Industry`, `Record`.`Business_Name`, `Record`.`Business_Name_2`, `Address Building`, `Address Street Name`, `Secondary Address Street Name`, `Record`.`Address_City`, `Address State`, `Address ZIP`, `Contact Phone Number`, `Address Borough`, `Borough Code`, `Community Board`, `Council District`, `Record`.`BIN`, `Record`.`BBL`, `Record`.`NTA`, `Census Tract`, `Record`.`Detail`, `Record`.`Longitude`, `Record`.`Latitude`, `Record`.`Location`, `Record`.`description` FROM `nyc_business`.`records` AS `Record` WHERE `Record`.`id` < 14754 ORDER BY `Record`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1112
3SELECT `Record`.`id`, `Record`.`DCA_License_Number`, `License Type`, `License Expiration Date`, `License Status`, `License Creation Date`, `Record`.`Industry`, `Record`.`Business_Name`, `Record`.`Business_Name_2`, `Address Building`, `Address Street Name`, `Secondary Address Street Name`, `Record`.`Address_City`, `Address State`, `Address ZIP`, `Contact Phone Number`, `Address Borough`, `Borough Code`, `Community Board`, `Council District`, `Record`.`BIN`, `Record`.`BBL`, `Record`.`NTA`, `Census Tract`, `Record`.`Detail`, `Record`.`Longitude`, `Record`.`Latitude`, `Record`.`Location`, `Record`.`description` FROM `nyc_business`.`records` AS `Record` WHERE `Record`.`id` >= 14753 AND `Record`.`id` != 14754 ORDER BY `Record`.`id` ASC LIMIT 2221